★㊕ 「百年鴿笭文化季」農村鴿子對抗賽★㊕ 「百年鴿笭文化季」農村鴿子對抗賽賽鴿笭「鴿笭文化季」
百年鴿笭文化季Pigeon Whistle Culture Festival
台南市鴿笭文化季(英語:Tainan Pigeon Whistle Culture Festival)是由臺南市政府文化局主辦,自2017年起於每年3-5月期間舉行之放鴿笭活動,地點位於鹽水、學甲、新營。「放笭鴿」此一深具地方特色的無形文化資產,2014年獲列為臺南市定民俗,是農閒時期盛行於新營、鹽水和學甲的傳統民俗活動,這是農民社會中悠久的傳統活動,最特別的地方在於這樣的活動兼具「趣味」、「聯誼」以及「保育」性質。「放鴿笭」在新營、鹽水一帶又稱為「放粉鳥仔笭」,學甲等濱海地區則稱為「放紅腳笭」,每年農曆2至4月在這三區庄頭的天空,頻頻可以看到背著木笭的鴿子往返穿梭,「嗡嗡」的鴿笭鳴笛聲在鄉間的天空作響著,表示年度庄頭之間的對抗賽已經熱鬧登場,可說是本市溪北地區春天農閒期間的大活動。橫跨三區的放粉鳥笭(紅腳)笭的民俗文化活動賽事僅見於嘉南農村地帶,臺南地區目前在新營、鹽水、學甲尚保留十多組鴿笭對抗賽,有二十多個庄頭鴿友參賽。百年傳統的鴿笭賽,是當地世代相傳的農閒活動,大家有機會相互交流,比拼誰家的粉鳥(鴿子)飼得最好最聽話,比賽過後則聚餐聯誼、握手言歡,可以說是非常別開生面又具有運動家精神的傳統民俗活動。活動過程中,民間自成一套追求庄頭榮譽感的鴿笭哲學,不僅對凝聚庄內向心力和睦鄰交誼有正向意義,更充分顯露出農村社會彼此互動交流醇厚的人情味。
The origin of pigeon whistle commonly known in Taiwan started from 1662 and 1683, where the soldiers would install bamboo whistles on military homing pigeons as entertainment during leisure time, in regions known as Sinying and Yanshei Districts today, so the whistling resounded across the sky as the pigeons flew. As more people started to play, the humanity to show off and compete also appeared. It was considered an honor to have one’s pigeon carrying bigger bamboo whistles than others, which meant that the pigeon one raised was stronger. The result of competition lead to bigger bamboo whistles carried by pigeons, which finally evolved to pigeon whistle carrying competition.
However events related to Chinese pigeon whistle and Taiwanese pigeon whistle can be dated back to the Song Dynasty of China from 1000 years ago, when treated as folk entertainment of the same kind. Both could possibly be used for the war at the beginning. It was recorded in history that when Li Yuanhao from Western Xia led soldiers to attack Song Imperial, the Song military was set up by Xia military, where the Song military discovered seral sealed boxes and opened the boxes. More than one hundred of pigeons with whistles flew form the boxes and circled around Song military. The Xia military knew that the Song military already entered ambush and attacked when they heard the loud pigeon whistle. Song military was ambushed and defeated utterly with more than 70,000 soldiers injured. The pigeon whistle for military use turned into folk entertainment roughly during Song dynasty, as many poets mentioned about releasing pigeon whistle and playing with pigeon whistles. By Qing Dynasty, the descendants of the privileged families in Beijing were fond of art and entertainment, turning pigeon whistle into the entertainment and flaunting games for the upscale society like the cockfight and cricket fighting. The making of pigeon whistle became more sophisticated and diverse. At the time, pigeon whistle craftsmen would even seal the pigeon whistle as brand certification. The Taiwanese pigeon whistle racing was also formerly entertainment for pigeons whistle sound but it transformed into a load relay race for carrying pigeon whistle some time in between. Due to the transformation in competition nature, the requirement for pigeon whistles also differs. For example, since it is a loading race, there must be objective judgment for the dimension and patterns. Hence the making of Taiwanese pigeon whistles values consistency in dimension and specification. A race may require some tens of pigeon whistle and in spite of the different sizes, they all look the same and do not vary like Chinese pigeon whistles. In addition, the content of pigeon whistle facing does not include sounds and hence the making of Taiwanese pigeon whistle does not emphasize on the variation in sounds but only requires buzzing sound. The evolution from pure pigeon whistle release to pigeon whistle load racing is really untraceable. However a reasonable speculation is that the gaming competition between two or more people have evolved into team-based relay race, where the flocks of pigeons from both parties have always carrying whistles since young by the time they can carry large pigeon whistle, until the pigeons of one party cannot carry anymore. As for why it has evolved into village-based race, it could be dated back to the prevalent fighting between Taiwanese villages in the early days. The villages in Taiwan used to be very united and liked to make fight scenes. The neighboring villages often competed with each other in parades or drama performance while pigeon whistle racing could have become a contest between the villages. For this reason the villages often became hostile due to the result of pigeon whistle racing.
台南鴿笭文化季 逗陣感受超過百年的文化(自由電子報小編精選)
台南百年傳統 紅腳笭傳(民視讚夯 Formosa TV Thumbs Up )
台南逗陣行-第八集_不一樣的空中競技 鴿笭文化季(台南向前行)