https://www.yanshui.com.tw/custom_76297.html ★「永成戲院」古戲院放映 ★「永成戲院」古戲院放映 特色古蹟 - 永成戲院 八角樓 天主堂 打鐵老鋪 永成戲院 蔡氏故居 小火車站 糖廠園區 永成戲院Yongcheng Theater&nbsp 地址位置:Google地址位置 臺南市鹽水區水正里過港21號電話:06-6522198     開放時間: 週三至週五 13:30-17:30 及 週六、週日 9:30-17:30 / 週一、週二休館 販賣|飲料及冰淇淋。文藝或電影|假日舉行、平日不定期舉行。   Yongcheng Theater (永成戲院) originally opened for business in 1945, but in fact its forerunner was not even a theater. Rather it was run by Mr. Huang Zhi (黃直先生) as the Yongcheng Rice Mill (永成碾米廠). During the Japanese Colonial era, the Huang Family Rice Mill was in a long-term co-operative relationship with the Japanese government, and it built up an extensive network of contacts amongst government officials and merchants. As such, business flourished. The rice mill felt the effects of World War II and the Japanese withdrawing to Japan, and it suffered serious losses; ceasing to exist in its old state as a rice mill. Mr. Huang Zhi at this point took the steps to transform the site into a theater. After changing its status, it became a mingling spot for politicians, businessmen, and celebrities from around the Yanshui(鹽水) area. As well as showing movies and films, it would also sometimes feature theater troupes. It would be quite possible to say that at that time it was the grandest of theaters within the Yanshui area. However, as times changed, Yongcheng Theater went out of business in 2000, and it was only after renovation by Tainan City Government that the stage curtain, cypress chairs, and old film equipment could be brought back to a fit state, and over the New Year Festival it once again began to show films. As well as film showings, there are also art installations related to cinema, and it should not be missed on a trip to Yanshui.Source:Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government. 線上地圖 「永成戲院」1945年11月成立。永成戲院為鹽水三大戲院之一。主人黃直(廣內義久)以碾米事業起家,所經營之「永成碾米廠」,日治時期,因與日本政府長期合作的關係,累積廣大的官商人脈,生意相當興隆,日治時期雲嘉南地區的穀農十之八九都會將自家的稻穀送來鹽水交給黃家,可惜到了二戰時期臺灣遭受美軍的轟炸,碾米廠也在這一時期遭到攻擊被大火吞噬三分之一的廠身。 黃直先生黃直先生在此背景下也不得不重新思考碾米廠的未來,經百般的苦思後黃直先生將剩餘三分之二的廠房改建成了戲院,也就是今日的「永成戲院」。戰後永成戲院正式開幕,在當時由於戲院創建人黃直先生人脈廣大,因此永成戲院順勢成了鹽水鎮政商名流的聚集之地,爰此,永成戲院除了放映一般電影之外,有時也會請戲團加場演出,別具特色。多元的片子如西洋、日本、華語,甚至菲律賓片跟臺語片都有播放,每當電影開始播映便會吸引了大批的民眾扶老攜幼來此觀看,更間接吸引流動攤販雲集於此,才有了日後「點心城」的設立。後因黃直先生年紀增長,而將戲院交予三兒子黃怡祿先生經營管理,在當時可說是鹽水最具規模的戲院。 永成戲院內電影海報 另外黃家的碾米事業為他們拓展了相當廣闊的人脈,因此為了招待來此的政商名流,戲院不定時的會請來戲團到臺上表演來娛樂各位嘉賓,只是戲院的繁華終究敵不過時間的洪流,隨著觀眾的口味逐漸改變,戲院的營收也逐漸走了下坡,到了1991年永成戲院正式告吹,正式成為鹽水人美好的回憶之一。 永成戲院每到假日不定期有放映電影與各式文藝表演 以上資料來源文化部臺灣社區通、新營文化中心、台南旅遊網彙編而成。  
https://www.yanshui.com.tw/ 鹽水漫遊網

特色古蹟 - 永成戲院

Yongcheng Theater&nbsp



週三至週五 13:30-17:30 及 週六、週日 9:30-17:30 / 週一、週二休館 

  Yongcheng Theater (永成戲院) originally opened for business in 1945, but in fact its forerunner was not even a theater. Rather it was run by Mr. Huang Zhi (黃直先生) as the Yongcheng Rice Mill (永成碾米廠). During the Japanese Colonial era, the Huang Family Rice Mill was in a long-term co-operative relationship with the Japanese government, and it built up an extensive network of contacts amongst government officials and merchants. As such, business flourished. The rice mill felt the effects of World War II and the Japanese withdrawing to Japan, and it suffered serious losses; ceasing to exist in its old state as a rice mill. Mr. Huang Zhi at this point took the steps to transform the site into a theater. After changing its status, it became a mingling spot for politicians, businessmen, and celebrities from around the Yanshui(鹽水) area. As well as showing movies and films, it would also sometimes feature theater troupes. It would be quite possible to say that at that time it was the grandest of theaters within the Yanshui area. However, as times changed, Yongcheng Theater went out of business in 2000, and it was only after renovation by Tainan City Government that the stage curtain, cypress chairs, and old film equipment could be brought back to a fit state, and over the New Year Festival it once again began to show films. As well as film showings, there are also art installations related to cinema, and it should not be missed on a trip to Yanshui.
Source:Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government.







