Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival
Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival is listed as one of the world’s three major folk festivals, and is also one of the most significant religious activities in Taiwan. Legend has it that the fireworks originated near the end of the 19th century during the Qing Dynasty. Back then there was a plague, and due to the lack of knowledge concerning medicine and treatment, the death toll increased every day. The terrified locals prayed to Guan Yu, or the Holy Ruler Deity Guan, and asked him for help. The deity replied that on the night of Lantern Festival Day, the deity will parade through the streets of Yanshui, and followers must set off firecrackers/fireworks as they trailed behind the deity’s holy sedan chair. The procession lasted until dawn, and the plague was no more. So the later generations carried on this custom and would welcome the Holy Ruler Deity Guan to make his rounds every year on the night of Lantern Festival Day. Every Lantern Festival night, the holy sedan chair slowly parades through the streets of Yanshui, surrounded by followers and visitors. When the sedan chair passes the doorways of stores and residences, racks of fireworks will be lit, sending firecrackers flying everywhere! People believe that after running through the flying fireworks, you can get rid of bad luck and have a prosperous and wonderful new year.
Source:Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government.

台灣鹽水烽炮(英語:Yanshui beehive firecrackers in Taiwan),由鹽水武廟主辦,所謂烽炮是指許多沖天炮組成的大型發炮台(狀如多管火箭炮組合),點燃時萬炮齊發,會發出鳴聲,也稱「蜂炮」。鹽水蜂炮名列世界三大民俗慶典,享有「北天燈‧南蜂炮」的美名,是台灣獨特的民間傳統民俗活動,鹽水蜂炮亦和北港犁炮、臺東寒單炮並稱「臺灣三大炮」,並於102年入選內政部「臺灣宗教百景」,經交通部觀光局獲選104年至108年「台灣觀光年曆」 「台灣慶元宵─鹽水蜂炮」國際級民俗活動,近年來透過國際媒體報導後,更有了「世界三大民俗慶典之一」、「全球十大最危險祭典之一」、澳洲Get Lost雜誌「全球十大最佳慶典」等頭銜,充分顯示蜂炮體驗文化的在地性與國際性。
The Origin Of Beehive Fireworks
2012 - 2024 精彩影片欣賞
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作品:2018鹽水蜂炮 空拍片段 +N studio( )
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作品:2016寶島神很大第88集完整版 台灣的世界級嘉年華 台南鹽水蜂炮 God Bless Baodao( )
作品:2015鹽水蜂炮的臨時英雄 【下課花路米 1332】 ( )
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作品:2013鹽水蜂炮精華版( )
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